Please be advised of the new location of the dojo; 1208 A. Parkway Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Morote Seoi Nage
JP throws Yudi
Judo Principles
Three parts of unarmed combat in judo
--Nage waza-throwing techniques
--Katame waza-grappling techniques
--Atemi waza-striking techniques
Three parts of a judo throw
--Kuzushi-off balance
--Kake-esecution of the throw
Nage Waza and Tachi Waza
Two divisions of nage waza (throwing techniques)
--Tachi waza-throwing from a standing position
--Sutemi waza-throwing by falling down
Three divisions of tachi waza (standing techniques)
--Te waza-hand techniques
--Koshi waza-hip techniques
--Ashi waza-foot techniques
Sutemi Waza and Katame Waza
Two divisions of sutemi waza (falling technique)
--Ma sutemi waza-back sacrifice
--Yoko sutemi waza-side sacrifice
Three divisions of katame waza (mat techniques)
--Osaekomi waza-holding technique
--Shime waza-choking techniques
--Kansetu waza-joint techniques
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Promotion System Change
Starting in 2014, we will use the new USJA Promotion System. The information is available in the new Senior Promotion Manual.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Test Requirements Through Green Belt
Thanks to Ric C de Baca, we have a nice list of things you need to know for testing through Green Belt. Thanks Ric!
Northern New Mexico Judo Club
1. Mae Ukemi Forward fall
1. Ushiro Ukemi Backward fall
1. Yoko Ukemi Side fall
1. Zenpo Kaiten Forward Judo roll
Yellow Belt
“Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort.” –Kano
Yellow Belt Throws
1. Deashi Harai Forward foot sweep
2. Hiza Guruma Knee wheel
3. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi Supporting foot lift-pull throw
4. Uki Goshi Floating hip throw
5. Osoto Gari Large outer reap
6. O Goshi Large hip throw
7. Ouchi Gari Large inner reap
8. Seoi Nage Shoulder throw
Orange Belt
“Mutual Welfare and Benefit.”–Kano
Orange Belt Throws
1. Kosoto Gari Small outer reap
2. Kouchi Gari Small innner reap
3. Koshi Guruma Hip wheel
4. Tsurikomi Goshi Lift-pull hip throw
5. Okuriashi Harai Foot sweep
6. Tai Otoshi Body drop
7. Harai Goshi Hip sweep
8. Uchi Mata Inner thigh reaping throw
Green Belt
“Apply just the right amount of force, never too much, never too little. ”–Kano
Green Belt Throws
1. Kosoto Gake Small outer hook
2. Tsuri Goshi Lifting hip throw
3. Yoko Otoshi Side drop
4. Ashi Guruma Leg wheel
5. Hane Goshi Hip spring
6. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi Lift-pull foot sweep
7. Tomoe Nage Circular throw
8. Kata Guruma Shoulder Wheel
1. Kuzure-kesa-gatame Variation of scarf hold
2. Kata-gatame Shoulder hold
3. Kami-shiho-gatame Top four-corner hold
4. Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame Broken top four-corner hold
5. Yoko-shiho-gatame Side locking four-corner hold
6. Tate-shiho-gatame Vertical four-corner hold
7. Kesa-gatame Scarf hold
Judo Terminology
Kiyotsuke! Attention!
Rei Bow
Hajime! Begin!
Matte! Stop!
Dojo Practice hall for Judo.
Sensei Teacher
Seiza Sitting on knees
Anza Siting crossed legged
Tsugi ashi Following foot walking
Ayumi ashi Normal walking
Judogi/Gi Judo uniform
Judoka Judo practitioner or player
Tori Person performing technique
Uke Person receiving technique
Hidari Left
Migi Right
Ukemi Falling methods or ways
Koho ukemi Falling methods to the rear
Zempo kaiten ukemi Forward rolling falling
Randori Free practice
Kata Formal pre-arranged practice
Shiai Tournament
Tatami (Straw, Japanese) Judo mats
Osae komi! Hold-down! (referee call)
Toketa! Hold-down broken! (referee call)
Ippon! One point! (referee award)
Waza ari! Almost ippon! (referee award, 1/2 point)
Yuko! Near waza ari! (referee award, 1/3 point)
Koka! Near yuko! (referee award, 1/4 point)
Sore made! That is all! (referee call)
Rokyu/Rokkyu Sixth class (kyu) Judo rank
Hai! Yes!
Iie! No!
Onegai shimasu Please
Domo arigato Thank you
Shido! Note! (referee call for slight penalty)
Chui! Caution! (referee call for moderate penalty)
Keikoku! Warning! (referee call for severe penalty)
Hansoku make! Loss by rule violation (referee call)
Hantei! Decision! (call by referee for judges decision)
Sono mama! Don’t move! (referee call)
Yoshi! Continue! (referee call)
Shizen hontai Fundamental natural posture
Jigo hontai Fundamental defensive posture
Kuzushi Off balance
Tsukuri Entry into a throw
Kake Execution of a throw
Harai/Barai Sweeping action done with the leg
Gari Reaping action done with the leg
Gake/Kake Dashing action done with the leg
Hane Springing action done with the leg
Nage Throw (noun)
Waza Technique(s)
Nage waza Throwing technique(s)
Te Hand
Te waza Hand techniques
Ashi Foot or leg
Ashi waza Foot techniques
O Big or major
Ko Little or minor
Goshi/Koshi Waist or hip
Koshi waza Waist or hip techniques
O goshi Major hip throw
Soto Outside
Uchi Inside
O soto gari Major outside reaping throw
Ki Internal force or spiritual energy
Kiai Shout to gather inner strength
Yusei gachi Decision win! (referee award)
Hiki wake Draw match! (referee award)
Waza ari awasete ippon A full point by adding two waza ari scores
Katame waza Grappling techniques
Newaza Techniques from a supine position
Osaekomi waza Holding techniques
Shime/Jime Choke
Shime waza Choking techniques
Kansetsu waza Joint locking techniques
Ju The principal of gentleness or giving way
Do Way of life
Judo Gentle way
Jujitsu Gentle arts
Tokui waza Favorite technique
Bushido Way of the warrior
Budo Martial arts
Kyu Class of belt ranks in Judo below black belt
Dan Step or degree in the black belt ranks
Yudansha Holder of any black belt rank
Mudansha Holder of any rank below black belt
Yudanshakai Black belt association
Uchi Komi Repetition attack practice without throwing, done with a paSute geiko Alternate throwing practice without resistance, done with a
Tandoku renshu Solo practice
Sotai renshu Practice in pairs
Keiko Practice in general
Yonkyu Fourth class (kyu) Judo rank
Zarei Kneeling bow
Ritsurei Standing bow
Hiza Knee
Gatame Lock or hold
Guruma Wheel
Yoko Side or lateral
Gokyo/Gokkyu Fifth class
Happo no kuzushi Formal eight directions of off-balancing
Sankyu Third class (kyu) Judo rank
Nikyu/Nikkyu Second class (kyu) Judo rank
Ikkyu First class (kyu) Judo rank
Mokuso! Meditate! (command at close of class)
Gokyo no waza Five stages of throwing techniques, the basic syllabus of KShinmesho no waza Newly certified throwing techniques of Kodokan Judo
Batsugan Instantaneous promotion
Sutemi Sacrifice
Tachi waza Throwing from a standing position
Sutemi waza Sacrifice techniques
Ma sutemi waza Back falling sacrifice techniques
Yoko sutemi waza Side falling sacrifice techniques
Atemi waza Striking techniques to vital areas
Obi Judo uniform belt
Uwagi Judo uniform jacket
Zubon Judo uniform pants
Sode Judo uniform sleeve
Eri Judo uniform lapel
Dojime Illegal act of locking the legs around the torso
Junbi undo Warm-up exercises in Judo
Shumatsu undo Cooling off exercises in Judo
Taiso Exercises in general
Kuzure Variation (of a technique)
Kaeshi waza Counter techniques
Renraku waza Combination or faking technique
Shiho Four corners (as in pins)
Maitta! I surrender!
Kumi kata Forms of gripping one’s opponent
Nami Normal
Gyaku Reverse
Juji Cross
Ude Arm
Wake Armpit
Shodan First degree black belt
Nidan Second degree black belt
Sandan Third degree black belt
Yodan Fourth degree black belt
Godan Fifth degree black belt
Rokudan Sixth degree black belt
Shichidan Seventh degree black belt
Hachidan Eighth degree black belt
Kudan Ninth degree black belt
Judan Tenth degree black belt
Junidan Twelfth degree black belt (held only by Dr. Kano)
Make Loss of any type
Gachi/Kachi Win of any type
Fusen gachi Win by forfeit or default
Kiken gachi Win by withdrawal
Sogo gachi One half point from violation and one waza ari
Kinsa Slight superiority
Joseki Side of the dojo reserved for officials
Juji gatame Cross arm lock
Garame Entangle
Nage no kata Formal forms of throwing
Katame no kata Formal forms of holding
Ju no kata Formal forms of gentleness
Goshinjitsu no kata Formal forms of self-defense
Kime no kata Formal forms of decisions
Koshiki no kata Ancient forms
Itsutsu no kata Forms of five
Shihan Past master of Judo (applied only to Dr. Kano)
Jita kyoei Mutual benefit and welfare
Seiroyku zenyo Maximum efficiency
Kohaku shiai Winner stays up team contest
Tentori shiai Man for man, or elimination tournament
Katsu/Kappo Methods of resuscitation used in Judo
Kawazu gake Illegal act of entwining the leg of an opponent
Shiaijo Contest area
Shimpan Referee
Uki To float or floating
Tsuri Lift
Komi Pull
Tsurikomi Lift-pull action
Bogyo Defense (to an attack)
Fusegi Escape (from a pin)
Hairi kata Entry methods into matwork
Tai Body
Mata Thigh
Ushiro Rear, behind (as in throwing and pinning)
Ura Reverse side, back
Tai sabaki Pivoting or turning the body
Katate Single handed
Ryote Double handed
Moryote/Morote Both hands
Sukashi Avoiding or evasive action
Sukoshi A little
Ai yotsu Same side gripping (right v. right, left v. left)
Kenka yotsu Opposite side gripping (right v. left)
Hikite Pulling or locking hand (usually sleeve hand)
Tsurite Power or drawing hand (usually lapel hand)
Aoi Blue (used to differentiate players in a match)
Shiro White (used to differentiate players in a match)
Jikan Time! (referee call)
Kime Decision or decisiveness (as in thinking fast)
Otoshi To drop
Northern New Mexico Judo Club
1. Mae Ukemi Forward fall
1. Ushiro Ukemi Backward fall
1. Yoko Ukemi Side fall
1. Zenpo Kaiten Forward Judo roll
Yellow Belt
“Maximum Efficiency with Minimum Effort.” –Kano
Yellow Belt Throws
1. Deashi Harai Forward foot sweep
2. Hiza Guruma Knee wheel
3. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi Supporting foot lift-pull throw
4. Uki Goshi Floating hip throw
5. Osoto Gari Large outer reap
6. O Goshi Large hip throw
7. Ouchi Gari Large inner reap
8. Seoi Nage Shoulder throw
Orange Belt
“Mutual Welfare and Benefit.”–Kano
Orange Belt Throws
1. Kosoto Gari Small outer reap
2. Kouchi Gari Small innner reap
3. Koshi Guruma Hip wheel
4. Tsurikomi Goshi Lift-pull hip throw
5. Okuriashi Harai Foot sweep
6. Tai Otoshi Body drop
7. Harai Goshi Hip sweep
8. Uchi Mata Inner thigh reaping throw
Green Belt
“Apply just the right amount of force, never too much, never too little. ”–Kano
Green Belt Throws
1. Kosoto Gake Small outer hook
2. Tsuri Goshi Lifting hip throw
3. Yoko Otoshi Side drop
4. Ashi Guruma Leg wheel
5. Hane Goshi Hip spring
6. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi Lift-pull foot sweep
7. Tomoe Nage Circular throw
8. Kata Guruma Shoulder Wheel
1. Kuzure-kesa-gatame Variation of scarf hold
2. Kata-gatame Shoulder hold
3. Kami-shiho-gatame Top four-corner hold
4. Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame Broken top four-corner hold
5. Yoko-shiho-gatame Side locking four-corner hold
6. Tate-shiho-gatame Vertical four-corner hold
7. Kesa-gatame Scarf hold
Judo Terminology
Kiyotsuke! Attention!
Rei Bow
Hajime! Begin!
Matte! Stop!
Dojo Practice hall for Judo.
Sensei Teacher
Seiza Sitting on knees
Anza Siting crossed legged
Tsugi ashi Following foot walking
Ayumi ashi Normal walking
Judogi/Gi Judo uniform
Judoka Judo practitioner or player
Tori Person performing technique
Uke Person receiving technique
Hidari Left
Migi Right
Ukemi Falling methods or ways
Koho ukemi Falling methods to the rear
Zempo kaiten ukemi Forward rolling falling
Randori Free practice
Kata Formal pre-arranged practice
Shiai Tournament
Tatami (Straw, Japanese) Judo mats
Osae komi! Hold-down! (referee call)
Toketa! Hold-down broken! (referee call)
Ippon! One point! (referee award)
Waza ari! Almost ippon! (referee award, 1/2 point)
Yuko! Near waza ari! (referee award, 1/3 point)
Koka! Near yuko! (referee award, 1/4 point)
Sore made! That is all! (referee call)
Rokyu/Rokkyu Sixth class (kyu) Judo rank
Hai! Yes!
Iie! No!
Onegai shimasu Please
Domo arigato Thank you
Shido! Note! (referee call for slight penalty)
Chui! Caution! (referee call for moderate penalty)
Keikoku! Warning! (referee call for severe penalty)
Hansoku make! Loss by rule violation (referee call)
Hantei! Decision! (call by referee for judges decision)
Sono mama! Don’t move! (referee call)
Yoshi! Continue! (referee call)
Shizen hontai Fundamental natural posture
Jigo hontai Fundamental defensive posture
Kuzushi Off balance
Tsukuri Entry into a throw
Kake Execution of a throw
Harai/Barai Sweeping action done with the leg
Gari Reaping action done with the leg
Gake/Kake Dashing action done with the leg
Hane Springing action done with the leg
Nage Throw (noun)
Waza Technique(s)
Nage waza Throwing technique(s)
Te Hand
Te waza Hand techniques
Ashi Foot or leg
Ashi waza Foot techniques
O Big or major
Ko Little or minor
Goshi/Koshi Waist or hip
Koshi waza Waist or hip techniques
O goshi Major hip throw
Soto Outside
Uchi Inside
O soto gari Major outside reaping throw
Ki Internal force or spiritual energy
Kiai Shout to gather inner strength
Yusei gachi Decision win! (referee award)
Hiki wake Draw match! (referee award)
Waza ari awasete ippon A full point by adding two waza ari scores
Katame waza Grappling techniques
Newaza Techniques from a supine position
Osaekomi waza Holding techniques
Shime/Jime Choke
Shime waza Choking techniques
Kansetsu waza Joint locking techniques
Ju The principal of gentleness or giving way
Do Way of life
Judo Gentle way
Jujitsu Gentle arts
Tokui waza Favorite technique
Bushido Way of the warrior
Budo Martial arts
Kyu Class of belt ranks in Judo below black belt
Dan Step or degree in the black belt ranks
Yudansha Holder of any black belt rank
Mudansha Holder of any rank below black belt
Yudanshakai Black belt association
Uchi Komi Repetition attack practice without throwing, done with a paSute geiko Alternate throwing practice without resistance, done with a
Tandoku renshu Solo practice
Sotai renshu Practice in pairs
Keiko Practice in general
Yonkyu Fourth class (kyu) Judo rank
Zarei Kneeling bow
Ritsurei Standing bow
Hiza Knee
Gatame Lock or hold
Guruma Wheel
Yoko Side or lateral
Gokyo/Gokkyu Fifth class
Happo no kuzushi Formal eight directions of off-balancing
Sankyu Third class (kyu) Judo rank
Nikyu/Nikkyu Second class (kyu) Judo rank
Ikkyu First class (kyu) Judo rank
Mokuso! Meditate! (command at close of class)
Gokyo no waza Five stages of throwing techniques, the basic syllabus of KShinmesho no waza Newly certified throwing techniques of Kodokan Judo
Batsugan Instantaneous promotion
Sutemi Sacrifice
Tachi waza Throwing from a standing position
Sutemi waza Sacrifice techniques
Ma sutemi waza Back falling sacrifice techniques
Yoko sutemi waza Side falling sacrifice techniques
Atemi waza Striking techniques to vital areas
Obi Judo uniform belt
Uwagi Judo uniform jacket
Zubon Judo uniform pants
Sode Judo uniform sleeve
Eri Judo uniform lapel
Dojime Illegal act of locking the legs around the torso
Junbi undo Warm-up exercises in Judo
Shumatsu undo Cooling off exercises in Judo
Taiso Exercises in general
Kuzure Variation (of a technique)
Kaeshi waza Counter techniques
Renraku waza Combination or faking technique
Shiho Four corners (as in pins)
Maitta! I surrender!
Kumi kata Forms of gripping one’s opponent
Nami Normal
Gyaku Reverse
Juji Cross
Ude Arm
Wake Armpit
Shodan First degree black belt
Nidan Second degree black belt
Sandan Third degree black belt
Yodan Fourth degree black belt
Godan Fifth degree black belt
Rokudan Sixth degree black belt
Shichidan Seventh degree black belt
Hachidan Eighth degree black belt
Kudan Ninth degree black belt
Judan Tenth degree black belt
Junidan Twelfth degree black belt (held only by Dr. Kano)
Make Loss of any type
Gachi/Kachi Win of any type
Fusen gachi Win by forfeit or default
Kiken gachi Win by withdrawal
Sogo gachi One half point from violation and one waza ari
Kinsa Slight superiority
Joseki Side of the dojo reserved for officials
Juji gatame Cross arm lock
Garame Entangle
Nage no kata Formal forms of throwing
Katame no kata Formal forms of holding
Ju no kata Formal forms of gentleness
Goshinjitsu no kata Formal forms of self-defense
Kime no kata Formal forms of decisions
Koshiki no kata Ancient forms
Itsutsu no kata Forms of five
Shihan Past master of Judo (applied only to Dr. Kano)
Jita kyoei Mutual benefit and welfare
Seiroyku zenyo Maximum efficiency
Kohaku shiai Winner stays up team contest
Tentori shiai Man for man, or elimination tournament
Katsu/Kappo Methods of resuscitation used in Judo
Kawazu gake Illegal act of entwining the leg of an opponent
Shiaijo Contest area
Shimpan Referee
Uki To float or floating
Tsuri Lift
Komi Pull
Tsurikomi Lift-pull action
Bogyo Defense (to an attack)
Fusegi Escape (from a pin)
Hairi kata Entry methods into matwork
Tai Body
Mata Thigh
Ushiro Rear, behind (as in throwing and pinning)
Ura Reverse side, back
Tai sabaki Pivoting or turning the body
Katate Single handed
Ryote Double handed
Moryote/Morote Both hands
Sukashi Avoiding or evasive action
Sukoshi A little
Ai yotsu Same side gripping (right v. right, left v. left)
Kenka yotsu Opposite side gripping (right v. left)
Hikite Pulling or locking hand (usually sleeve hand)
Tsurite Power or drawing hand (usually lapel hand)
Aoi Blue (used to differentiate players in a match)
Shiro White (used to differentiate players in a match)
Jikan Time! (referee call)
Kime Decision or decisiveness (as in thinking fast)
Otoshi To drop
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Nice demonstration of throws
Check this short video out. Nice, fast demonstration of common throws.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Nage No Kata
This video shows Nage No Kata the way it should be done. Fantastic!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Judo throws
Over 60 judo throws quickly and nicely reviewed.
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